thansk to ghostwritermummy and Katie Sluiter
so here's my top 10 of things I like to wear. Any day, any time.
1. My new Fitflop boots. Copied idea off a friend and now I don't think I'll wear anything else again. Because a) they're comfy and b) although they weren't cheap, they are worth every penny as they tone my legs when I walk. Result! Still gotta do a lot of walking yet though...
2. My new tan wedges. Acually not sure I'll ever be able to walk in them, or in fact even keep them rather than return them due to previous fact. Impulse buy in TK Maxx today (knew there was a good reason I never go in there) - I bought them as a reward for myself for being so good at the dentist. I LOVE them.
3. My dressing gown. Soft and snuggly and pink. Brilliant.
4. Cardigans - actually these could have taken up numbers 1-10 as I have them in every colour and pretty much always wear one. Just vital for UK weather I find. So here's a group shot (and that's not even all of them!).
5. My white stuff wool tunic. Only just converted to tunics as I've long been a fan of bootcut jeans (something about balancing out the hips) but a good tunic can hide a multitude of sins I find :)
6. My going out top. Won precisely 3 times (OK maybe 4) - I never get to go out :( But I love the colour of this top (it was picked out for me by a 'helper'!) and the style and I know it will go on hols with me every year.
7. Monsoon wedding dress outfit (looks much better without cardi button done up - but this was my brothers wedding in March, and it was COLD!). Bought 3 or 4 years ago, is the only 'posh' thing I own now, but it's such a classic style and fab material that I'll never give it up! Just need some more weddings or christenings to wear it to :)
8. White trousers. Yes, despite having young children, I cannot be without these in summer. They just make me feel so 'summery'! And you can wear anything with them (although I do try to leave the aforementioned dressing gown at home...). You'll just have to imagine these, I cannot find a photo anywhere.
9. Monsoon (again) summer dress. I probably only own about 4 things from there due to excessive cost, but I do love their clothes and fit. Not a great pic, and I know I'm too white, but you get the idea....
10. hmmm. was struggling with this one. but then I remembered red coat. I LOVE my red coat. It makes me feel cheerful. My girls love it too. So I got Tamsin to take a photo of me in it right now.