Please excuse this post, but there is a simple reason for it - I'm trying to get my pics of cupcakes I've made onto my Pinterest boards but can't work out an easier way of doing it!
So here are a few of the ones I made last year..... this has made me realise I desperately need to ask Santa for some photography lessons and a better camera to make these look yummier!!
Everyday cupcakes - Baileys cupcakes, Pimms Cupcakes, Rainbow cupcakes, Flake cupcakes, Psychedelic cupcakes, Creme Egg cupcakes, Luscious Lemon cupcakes (!), Strawberry Swirl cupcakes, Choc Vanilla cupcakes, Mint Choc Chip cupcakes, Creme Egg Cupcakes, Choc Oreo cupcakes.....
Part 2 to follow soon: Seasonal Offerings!