This image above is an artist's impression of how the new Woburn Forest village will look - it opens soon, and is near us, squeeeee!
If I had to choose anywhere to go on holiday, it would be any one of the amazing Center Parcs settings in the UK - yes, I'd choose that even over a holiday abroad where there is guaranteed sun. People who know me know how much value I place on a bit of sun. That pales into insignificance however, compared to going to a place where we know the children are safe, and where we know our young girl with autism is completely happy because it's familiar to her.
Tots 100 are kindly giving us this chance to win a break at Center Parcs with their January Bloggers Challenge.
Let me start by letting you into a secret. My perfect day at Center Parcs would have 60 hours in it. It's a fact that I'd like every day of the week to have 48 hours to it, in order to do everything I dream of, but there is SO much to do at Center Parcs that I'd definitely need the extra!
We'd start by waking up in the extra comfy beds at 9am and listening to nothing. Well, nothing apart from the wildlife outside. I'd put the kettle on for a morning cuppa and we'd all sit out on the patio, watching the birds and ducks and squirrels run up for our crumbs.
Next we'd head on off on our scooters to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise where we would splash and scream a good two hours away, enjoying the waves, the rapids, the sprudel and plunge pools and most excitingly the Tropical Cyclone ride. I've always wanted to try scuba diving and aqua jetting so I'd definitely fit that in too. We'd then stop for a quick snack (chips of course) in the pool bar before heading outside to the play areas on our way to the Lake for a spot of sailing followed by kayaking. The girls would spend a good hour collecting pebbles and playing on the beach before we then headed for a mid-morning break at the Pancake House.
Next we'd be off to get the girls' hair braided, then slow it down a bit with some relaxing pottery painting and a session at a Toy-making workshop (I used to be a Toy Buyer BC, have I told you before?!).Whilst we left the girls doing that, Mr C and I would fit in a quick Aqua Sana Spa session and come out refreshed, revitalised and raring to go.
We'd probably not want to stop for lunch so we'd grab a bite at the Sports Cafe whilst we had a go at one of our fave family activities, bowling. Next we'd run over to watch the girls on the indoor climbing wall, as they love it so much. Then it'd be back outside for some Adventure Golf before we all tried our hands at something new - archery and fencing are on my list for 2014, how about you?!
Tree-trekking would probably just about finish us off for the day, but what a fab way to end it!
For the evening we'd return to the Pancake House (I know, but you can never have too many pancakes) and enjoy an extra special Magic Show (Tamsin fancies herself as a Magician, along with probably nearly every other 8 year old there is...).
We'd finish the day off with all the other friendly guests watching an amazing firework show over the lake, and then scoot happily back to our extra comfy beds where we'd have sweet dreams and pray that we could do it all again the next day.

All that and I've not even mentioned Quad Bikes, Laser, Clay shooting, Paintball and Segways, or Badminton, Tennis and Roller Skating (and ice skating in winter time!).
I absolutely love the new Center Parcs TV adverts - I find the music so inspiring, and love seeing all the different activities. My Family, My Time is such a great strapline, as it envelops everything great about Center Parcs - it's such a perfect place to enjoy quality family time.
My favourite video is 'Three Families Go Away Together'. The name swung it for me, as that is how we have been enjoying Center Parcs for the past four years; with great friends.
This is my entry to the Center Parcs and Tots 100 January challenge. If I'm chosen, I would like to visit Elveden Forest.
Please keep your fingers crossed everyone!!