As this time of year approaches, my brain tends to go into overdrive trying to work out what to get for them, and I like to try and get organised sooner rather than later. I find this is a necessary move to make sure there is stock of what is most wanted (Frozen toys, anyone?!) and that it helps you get the best prices too; we all love a bargain, don't we?!
I'm also a big fan of writing a list. If there's one thing I don't like at Christmas time, it's waste, especially knowing there are so many others out there who have so little. We always make an effort to pass on some of our 'pre-loved' (but in good condition) toys at Christmas to those who are less fortunate. You can do that at Argos, who are partnering with Barnardo's again this year, or try a local food back who may accept donations of toys. I've read today that there are estimated to be 90,000 children homeless this Christmas - that's quite a shocking figure, isn't it?
The girls are now aged 9 and 7, and definitely know their own minds about what they do and don't want. We are facing the common problem of the presents on the wish lists becoming smaller and smaller (yay!) but the price of them getting higher and higher. Luckily I know that they still do love and appreciate most toys, but there's so much choice out there that it's sometimes difficult for them (and me) to know where to start.
That's why I was really pleased to hear that Argos had included toy reviews by children on their website this year. As a previous toy buyer myself, and now a mum, I know how important it is to see the toys in action and to get word from the 'horse's mouth' so you can be sure those doors don't drop off the first time the toy is played with, or that the product doesn't contain pieces that get lost too easily. No-one likes crying on Christmas Day, or even any time in the following weeks, do they?!
So if you have children, why not take a look at the great videos Argos have produced, which show some other children giving their opinions on some of the top toys out for Christmas this year?
My girls loved most of the toys shown and managed to find something to add to their own lists, without wanting everything (I'm impressed they didn't try to be greedy!).

We had hoped to be included in the filming of these reviews but sadly it didn't work out this year. However I do know that another blogger's children were involved in these, and so I think it's lovely to be able to show her a bit of support!