All of the writers featured in this series have a life which involves Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in some way. My very basic questions are barely scratching the surface of the complicated lives they lead. Of course they would love a bit of extra support, so if you can pop over and like their Facebook page, or read and comment on a post, it will all be much appreciated.
Time for Blogger Number 8 in the series....
Who are you and how old are you?
I'm Kelly, soon to be 40(eeeek!).
Who else is in your family and what are their ages?
I live with my husband Dave (soon to be 50, ha!), and my children, H, 9 and Tink, 4. Dave also has a son, J, who is 18.
Which members of your family have SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) or additional needs, and what are those needs? Is there an official diagnosis and if so, what is it, at what age was it given and by who?
Tink has a diagnosis of ASD, which she received at the age of 3 and 3 months. She was assessed through our local Child Development Centre (CDC) by an SEN teacher, paediatrician and speech and language therapist.
Can you list the job roles of everyone you've been involved with on your SEND journey so far?
SaLT, Paediatrician, SEN teacher, nursery nurses, health visitors, educational psychologist, communication and autism team, occupational therapist, school SENCo and teachers, various support groups.
Are your children in school (if so, what type of school) or home educated?
Tink is currently in mainstream nursery, although she should have started reception this year. We are currently exploring alternative schooling options as her school aren't sure if they're the right setting for her.
What would you like others outside the SEND community to know about your child's condition?
isn't as scary as it seems at first! Whilst it certainly brings many challenges, it also brings many wonderful things too. I would like people to be more understanding of the condition - not all people on the spectrum are like 'Rain Man'!
Tell us a fact or funny story about you or your life which is totally unrelated to SEND.....
I once denied a very drunk Claudia Winkleman more free booze on a train I was working on! (We're talking many years ago, I'm sure she doesn't behave that way in public any more... ;) )
You can read more from Kelly at these places:
Blog name: It's a Tink Thing
Facebook -
Twitter - @itsatinkthing
Instagram - itsatinkthing

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