As was my intention from the early days following diagnosis, I try to still make my blog about the effect on our whole family; the picture above is a lovely siblings snap from a very rare family day out.
It's early days for us all in terms of Sasha's awareness of autism; I imagine by now she's well aware of her own differences, and she most likely has an understanding of autism at her level, but putting that into words is something else. She rarely has what could be called a conversation with anyone, so it feels like we muddle on through at the best of times.
I did mention to Sasha today, in the car as we were driving back from McDonalds (one of her happy places), that it was World Autism Awareness Day tomorrow, and she said 'oh, is that a bit like odd sock day?'.
That's what we celebrated at school a week or so ago for children with Down's Syndrome, and she was happy to take part, but I'm not aware of anything being done for Autism awareness. To be fair I haven't requested anything specifically, as we have only recently started talking to Sasha about the fact that she is diagnosed autistic.
This video by Amazing Things Happen would be great to show to all primary aged children; it covers a wide range of autism, and gives an overall positive message, which is so important:
This is just the start of our 'journey' of understanding; first we have to deal with self-understanding and then we will move on to acceptance. We appreciate all you can do to help us on that way, even if it's just clicking a 'like' button for now!
Happy World Autism Day everyone, whatever that means for you...
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