This gorgeous looking book landed on my doorstep just in time for the weekend. Even though, for as long as I remember, I've had a mountain of books by the side of my bed that never get touched, I just couldn't wait to dive into this one.
Written by a lovely lady who I am proud to call a friend, Steph's book is perfect Monday Motivation material for everybody out there. I first met Steph several years ago after we both tweeted about the upcoming BritMums blogging event which we were headed for. It was the first such event for both of us and we knew no-one else there, so we agreed to meet up outside first and pair up as the two Stephs. I was hooked on her blog 'Was This In The Plan?' right from the start; we had some common ground but it was clear that Steph number 1 was an exceptional writer. I'd say a book was inevitable, but back then of course Steph had no idea of the path her life would take.
Her book is fantastic; positivity and determination shine through as she tells the story of her family life and how it didn't quite go to plan. There are funny moments (a butterfly tattoo, anyone?) and heartbreaking times. All together, lives worth living and an attitude that I intend to teach my girls to have for themselves.
In Steph's words, 'it's not the cards you are dealt, but how you play them' which matters. I totally recommend her book in a non-biased way... you can order it via her website
From last week's Monday Motivation linky I really loved The Love of a Brother by A Life Less Ordinary. Another positive attitude shining through. I know that my two siblings benefit from each other in different ways, and even at times of bickering the love is always there. The other post which really stood out from me was from the lovely Anne who wrote how to Keep Believing over on her blog Raisie Bay. Anne has had more than most to deal with over the past few years and yet she is still fighting, still someone I look up to.
So I'm hoping some of you have some more motivational words for me and for others this week... please do come and join in with #TheMMLinky below!

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