We sat down briefly both evenings; on Saturday Sasha joined us for half an hour on the sofa to watch TV - a bit of Ninja warrior (where she loved laughing at people falling in the water) and then she stayed for all of You've Been Framed - can you tell humour is the key for Sasha?!
It's so rare for her to join us on the sofa and sit (not exactly quietly, but her autism and sensory issues come into play a lot and so even sitting in one place for so long is an achievement for her!) and I totally loved that time together. Just got to work a little bit more on feelings of older sibling, who doesn't appreciate the company on sofa quite so much and who is, kind of understandably, miffed at not getting full attention for herself at a time when Sasha wouldn't usually figure....
Tonight it was back to Sasha in a separate room, while Tamsin, her Dad and I all sat down to enjoy Michael McIntyre's big show. I can honestly say that's the most I've laughed in ages; the Gary Barlow Gary-oke was the most inspired television I've seen in ages and my sides ache now!
Feeling slightly apprehensive tonight but excited at the same time... tomorrow is an INSET day for our eldest and we had planned to go to an exhibition at the British Library all about her big interest, Harry Potter. Silly adults though, assumed you could buy tickets on the day. What was I thinking?! Anything Harry Potter-ish sells out months in advance (if anyone knows any tricks on how to get Cursed Child tickets please let me know!). Luckily I checked last night and realised our plans would need to change.
So tomorrow, instead, we are heading into London to try out Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park as a family! Bearing in mind Sasha rarely leaves the house these days, this could be a complete disaster... but tickets are booked and we're giving it a go.
I went along to the Winter Wonderland event last year with my blogging buddy Stephanie Nimmo and you can see in this post what happened then:
This time around, I've booked for us to see The Sooty Show as Sasha has always chuckled loudly at this on DVD, and then the Ice Palace because that's a free flowing thing with no queue which I think both girls can enjoy. After that, I'm pretty sure that Sasha will have had enough and will want to head off and find some fries (thank God for McDonalds) whereas Tamsin will want to stay and go on the highest, fastest rollercoaster.
So it'll end up a split day, but if we can enjoy some time as a family first it'll be a pretty rare and special occasion. Now we just have to hope that the rain stops before we get there - it's forecast to rain until 10am tomorrow, and Sasha hates rain. Then let's hope there's no queue to get in and that it's not too long waiting for the show to start.
Fingers crossed everybody!

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