Excuse me for a minute while I pause and just let that sink in by repeating it to myself...
That is definitely not a phrase I ever thought I'd be saying. As I got into the car this morning, I thought 'what on earth (very polite replacement for what my words would have been had I been able to speak them out loud) am I doing?!'
I never do sale shopping myself; I honestly can't stand hunting for a bargain unless it's online. And I never take Sasha shopping with me for food or any other general items unless totally necessary - and if that happens, it needs to be a short shopping list with two or three items at most as sensory overload happens and she tires easily.
So it very definitely wasn't my idea. Sasha proposed it last night at the end of Christmas Day. I think it was suggested when she heard her older tween sister was planning to meet a friend in town to go sale shopping, and Sasha surmised it was a 'big girl' thing to do.
Except Sasha didn't want to do browsing the high street for a bargain; she had a specific target buy in mind.
More Pokemon plush toys. Sasha had been given a few as Christmas presents, but apparently there are 802 Pokemon (more if you include the variations). So it seems that we still have a few purchases to go....
I talked the shopping trip idea over with her, to make sure she knew where we were going (to the big retail park where we had tried out sofas), and that she understood that it might be very busy when we got there. She thought about it carefully but decided she still wanted to go, so we set off early.
Amazingly, it wasn't too busy when we arrived (packed by the time we left though) and she was 'happy as Larry' dancing round the aisles and looking at everything carefully. Not all that much stock there, which was a good thing as it made the choosing easier, and we were really lucky that the one she wanted the most WAS there. It really was one of those successful shopping trips that I thought would only happen in my dreams. I mean, it's a big jump from this to what other people would call shopping, but it made a lovely change and I'll take it!
Tamsin and Sasha have got quite close over the holidays and it has been lovely to see them together. I can't imagine a time when the two girls would happily go shopping together, but never say never, eh?!
Hope everyone managed a Merry Christmas? Ours was good, but of course nothing is quite as simple as that, so watch out for my blog post if you're interested...

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