This thoughtful card came in a Christmas present from my lovely Mother-in-law, for me.
'You know, all that really matters is that the people you love are happy and healthy. Everything else is just sprinkles on the sundae. - Paul Walker'
As I was trying to take the photo, Sasha was insistent on photo bombing with her little happy hand clapper cracker toy, which of course made me smile. During the rollercoaster down times which are bound to come this year I hope I will manage to reflect on the words of this card. We really are very lucky here.
Looking back on last year made me think of wonderful Karin who writes over at Embrace Happy, whose motto is 'not every day is good, but there is good in every day'. I think it's probably human nature (I'm hoping it's not just me) to look back on a year and instantly remember all the difficult times. They stick out more. But when you closely consider everything that has gone on, it's actually easier than you think to find the smiles and the happy memories there too. In fact, as a whole there are probably many more of them. In my case, it's the people who make those memories special.
I do appreciate that not everyone feels like this though, and Monday Motivation for me is not about telling others that they have to be positive. It's just about words and thoughts to reflect on, that might perhaps make a difference to our lives. Hope you like them.
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